Re: Draw her a Heart-Diagram (Score: 0) by on Wednesday, 01 June 2005 (19:21:51) UTC
Yeah man, be her friend. But how would you be able to talk to her if she keeps avoiding you? She might have been a little overwhelmed by that heart diagram you drew. She's probably just gonna keep avoiding you unless you do something - don't do anything too drastic or crazy. Just happen to "bump" into her and say that you didn't mean to make her feel pressured with that heart diagram (that's the thing with girls, they don't like being pressured into doing something) and tell her you just want to be friends. If you wanna steal her back, don't pressure her, and don't overwhelm her. She'll need time to think it through. Just be there with her. After that, I think you'll know what to do. Hope that helps.