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  Who is In Control?
Husbands and WivesWell, without entering into argumentative moral judgments, it is actually interesting to pursue this "chase", in the illusion that you are in control. Perhaps it is the other way around, in that you are actually being used by whomever it is that you have designed as target, and rather naive in doing their bidding. That said, most women are becoming more liberated and assertive when it comes to sex, and thus rejecting any other male impossed rule we may think of. It is my experience taht, while going in for the chase, it is better to let them take the initiative: the quest and lust for control is all theirs, mine is the pleasure.

Well, if the preceding postulate is in fact correct, then my entire life has been for naught. Even still, we can use this desire for power as a tool in the chase.

Posted on Wednesday, 18 August 2004 (19:01:26) UTC by gfs

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