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  Writing an Internet Dating Profile
Internet DatingThe Playa writes: If you want to find a girlfriend from internet dating, writing a good profile is most important. Remember that girls receive over 10 times the responses to an internet dating profile that men receive so you have to get noticed above the noise. Put a good photo of yourself that reflects your personality and looks friendly or seductive. If you are responding to an online dating ad, be sure to mention something specific that interested you in her profile. Be funny but be careful not to write things that can be misinterpreted. You have to stand out from the guys who send the same response to a hundred girls (the spammers of internet dating).
Posted by gfs on Sunday, 25 September 2005 (16:16:31) UTC (3146 reads)
(comments? | Score: 4)

  Need Help Writing Love Letters?
Real Love LettersAre you having trouble expressing yourself to the one you love?

Think about it, there is nothing like the power of a passionate love letter to show her how you truly feel.

Send your mate a romantic love letter and she’ll be knocked-out by your devotion and thoughtfulness! No one can resist a perfectly charming love letter.

[ Love Letters Now ] - [ Perfect Love Letters ]

Let Our Words Do The Exciting! Send Instant Sexy Letters
Posted by gfs on Monday, 13 September 2004 (10:55:16) UTC (4311 reads)
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  Real Found Love Letters
Real Love LettersThe following letters on this page are real love letters that I found or came into my possession.

They are certainly not all works of art but they do convey a certain passion - sometimes a little too much passion.

If you have a love letter you found or an old letter that you received that you'd like to share with the world, please send it to us by clicking here.

Here's a tip if you're writing your own love letter: Don't use the words "smelly bums". It's a real turn-off!

Posted by gfs on Thursday, 16 September 2004 (20:29:40) UTC (3905 reads)
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  Pickup Boot Camp
A Learning ExperienceI'm a stockbroker. I spent months in training. Day after day of training calls. And every day our trainers would make us listen to our calls in front of all our peers, and critique them. It was humiliating. Sometimes I thought that Marine boot camp couldn't be any worse. I don't think I've ever been called a moron so many times.

But I don't regret a minute of that training. Thanks to that, I became an awesome stockbroker. I can sell anyone anything. If I stop working today, I'll never have to work again.

So there I was, living in NYC. 26. Rich, even back then, and, IMHO, pretty good looking. I had no problem getting girls' numbers, or even bedding them. But I couldn't keep them interested. This went on for a year, until one morning I woke up and asked myself: "Self, you can sell a turd derivative to the most sophisticated investor on the planet, why can't you sell yourself to the secretary from Staten Island?" That's when I remembered my boot camp.

So I went out and bought a recorder that I hooked up to my home phone. I recorded every call, then I listened to them. I sucked. Once I'd made as much progress as I could on my own, I asked two of my most uber-successful-with-the-skirts buddies to help me. I was ready for the humiliation. Within two months, I was a completely different person. I could sell myself the way I could sell a CDO. I wasn't actually interested in the long term thing, but I was finally in control. If I wanted a girl to stick around, I could.

Did I steal anyone's girlfriend? You bet. Am I proud of it? What do you think? Smile

gfs: That's awesome. What did you use to record the calls?

I used some box I picked up at Radio Shack. I don't use that anymore. Now I record almost all my calls, but I use a service called Call Trunk. When I logged into the site the other day I saw a Call Trunk banner ad and I thought it was time to tell my story.
Posted by gfs on Friday, 27 May 2011 (00:00:00) UTC (2423 reads)
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  How to Get a Girl to Like You
RoommatesBy John Alexander
Author, "How to Become an Alpha Male"

We've all had that special woman in our lives. You know... the one with the sweet personality, the really nice hair and a perfect face. She dates the more "adept" guys... but how can you get her to like you?

While men are primarily attracted to women based on their looks, a woman finds a man attractive because of his personality. A ideal man is an alpha male who's confident in himself and not afraid to take the lead and get what he wants out of life.

Ironically, what this means then is that the best way for a girl to like you is when she feels like she has EARNED you.

That's because to get a girl to like you, you should come from a mindset of high value. Never come from a position of neediness.

So the best attitudes to have towards any one particular woman are:

1. Nonchalance.

2. Non-attachment to whether she likes you or not. (By that I mean, if she likes you that's awesome, but if not, there are tons of other chicks out there who are equally as great as she is.)

The bottom line is that a woman should never be a challenge for you. Instead you should be a challenge for her.

In addition to placing a high value on yourself, you can also eliminate neediness by building up your social network. Make friends with as many women as you can. (Women are easy to make friends with.)

Also date as many women as you can... don't restrict yourself only to dating "that one special girl."

You see, the last thing you ever want to have going through your mind when you're around that special woman is, "God, I MUST have this girl! She's irreplaceable!" Having an abundance of women in your life will solve that problem.

Also, whenever a woman sees that other chicks are attracted to a guy, she too feels attraction. Psychologically, this is known as the "social proof" phenomenon... and it's much more powerful in women than men.

Ever noticed how your female friends drool over the guy at the corner of the bar who's got four babes at his table? That's social proof in action.

By the way, it's fine to think a girl is beautiful and to feel something strong for her.

Here's the key though... you must always remind yourself that there are LOTS of other women out there who are just as wonderful as that girl you really like.

If you start thinking that any girl is one of a kind, then that gives her power over you, and, ironically, makes her lose attraction to you.

So, you're free to think that a woman's amazing. Just remember that lots of other girls are amazing too. That way you won't become needy.

So remember, place a high value on yourself, make her earn your attention, and hang out with as many women as possible... those are the three secrets for how to get a girl to like you.

John Alexander is the developer of "How to Become an Alpha Male", a seduction success system for men. Discover the excitement and pleasure of having gorgeous, horny women automatically drawn to you like a magnet.
Posted by gfs on Friday, 30 September 2005 (11:09:32) UTC (4059 reads)
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  Have You Got a Girlfriend? Here's How Not to Screw It Up
Success StoriesBy John Alexander
Author, "How to Become an Alpha Male"

Having a girlfriend can be a dangerous thing. We become too dependent on our woman for our happiness, and then if we get dumped, we find that we've all of a sudden lost our confidence. This results in being without sex for many months, until we finally get a girlfriend again, and... the cycle repeats.

So to break this cycle, we need to REMAIN the attractive guy, the alpha male.

You see, relationships can make us guys too lazy (since the sex is so easy) and we lose that "high value" mindset. It's crucial to keep that alpha male frame of mind that says, "I am like a Lamborghini."

Do Lamborghini dealerships grovel to try to get people to like them? Of course not. Instead they allow all the buyers to come to them. Hell, Lamborghini doesn't even advertise. As a man, you should have a similar confident mindset if you want to maximize the attraction your girlfriend feels for you.

So, how do you keep that alpha mindset? First and foremost, avoid chasing your girlfriend like a puppy dog. A basic concept which will prevent her from ever treating you badly is what I call Punishment and Reward.

If a woman engages in behavior which you disapprove of, punish her by withdrawing your time and focusing on something (or someone) else. If she does something you like (such as having sex with you), reward her by giving her more of your time, talking about her feelings, etc.

So whenever you do something nice for her, do it because you're rewarding her. And DO reward her good behavior, if you want more of it. Like I said, Punishment and Reward.

Then there's the issue of being a challenge. Women act sweet when you're a challenge to them. They act bitchy when they take you for granted and no longer feel like they need put out effort to win your affections.

Often by around month 6 in a relationship is when a woman really starts to take a guy for granted, so avoid that by remaining a challenge.

So the solution to remaining the attractive, alpha guy in your relationships is threefold:

1. Always be willing to focus your time on things other than your girlfriend. Don't reward her for acting bitchy by continuing to be around her when she does. On the other hand, too, reward her for good behavior by giving her more of your time when she acts sweet.

2. Always have it in the back of your mind that you could end the relationship at any time. Don't explicitly threaten her with that, but just make it a subtle implication. That way she'll never become truly comfortable with the relationship and will keep working to win you.

3. Always allow her to think that's she's just a little bit more interested in you than you are in her. Again, this can be very subtle, but if (for example) you're telling her 20 times a day that you love her, and she's only telling you that twice, then obviously the situation is badly out of whack.

John Alexander is author of "How to Become an Alpha Male", a dating and seduction success system that will maximize your chances of getting and keeping that dream woman you've got your eye on.
Posted by gfs on Friday, 30 September 2005 (11:07:30) UTC (3282 reads)
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  Using The 'Fated Encounter' For First Date Seduction Success
Stealing CentralBy John Alexander
Author, "How to Become an Alpha Male"

Wouldn't it be nice if you could create feelings within a woman of a deep connection with you... even if you two have known each other for only a few hours... and without having to resort to complicated (and risky!) hypnosis tactics?

Well, good news. There is a very easy, no-risk way to do this. I call it the Fated Encounter Technique.

Here's why it works. Every woman has a fantasy from the time she was a little girl, triggered by a constant diet of romance movies and novels, about fate bringing the man of her dreams to her.

In one typical scene the guy and the girl almost bump into each other on the sidewalk. Instead, fate keeps them apart, and they go their separate ways.

Then, two years later, they live in the same apartment building. Yet after several close calls, they still don't meet, again because of fate.

The two date other people, off and on, and yet are never happy. Months go by. The man and the woman each ponder what it will be like when they meet that special someone, someday...

And then near the end of the movie, fate finally brings them together. And of course they hit it off right from the start.

Wouldn't it be nice if that could happen in real life, rather than having to wait through several dates before the woman finally feels comfortable enough with you to have sex?

Well, it can. You can speed the seduction process and have the woman feeling deeply connected with you by using my Fated Encounter Technique. I'll explain how it works.

During the course of your conversation with the woman, you bring up places she has been to. If you've been to those same places, you then talk about how amazing it is that the two of you could have been there at the same time and yet destiny kept you apart.

Let's say, to use a recent example I encountered, that she shops at the local Whole Foods grocery store.

You can then say, "That's awesome. I shop there too. Imagine, we've probably seen each other there all the time!"

Another example would be that the two of you go to downtown LA all the time, and probably have walked past each other on many occasions.

And now, you can say, "Isn't it amazing how fate has finally brought us together?"

As the conversation progresses, the two of you can talk about other coincidences, and the things the two of you might have done together if you'd only known each other.

With the seed planted, as the girl thinks about those coincidences, and how "fate" has now brought the two of you together, she will then start to feel as if she's known you, on a deeper psychic level, for a lot longer than just a few hours.

You, she concludes, are the man she's been waiting for all her life.

John Alexander is author of "How to Become an Alpha Male" ... a seduction success guide for men. Learn the 7 Step Seduction System that takes you from saying "hello" to a new woman... to sharing orgasms in bed with her... in just one evening!
Posted by gfs on Friday, 30 September 2005 (11:05:47) UTC (4450 reads)
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  Use The 'Boyfriending Technique' To Get Paid Fast
Dating AdviceBy John Alexander
Author, "How to Become an Alpha Male"

I'm going to reveal an important comfort-building technique I call "Boyfriending." In a nutshell, there's something you can do that's usually done ONLY by a woman's boyfriend.

If you do it too, it's a way of getting under a woman's radar and making her comfortable enough around you so that she'll be receptive to sex without making you wait.

You see, in order for a typical woman to have sex with a man, she must have feelings of comfort. It is not enough for her to simply feel attraction for the guy.

Let's say you meet a girl at a 5 PM happy hour. The two of you hit it off, having a great conversation. She's laughing. She's interested. You entrance her by telling her fascinating stories about your life. The two of you have good rapport.

Around 7:30, you get hungry and invite her to get something to eat. Dinner goes well too. Then dinner ends. Now what?

Around this time, a lot of guys get confused about how to advance the interaction forward. Clearly the goal is to get paid, but the roadmap is often muddled.

Usually the night ends with the woman saying something like, "I had great time meeting you. Call me. Bye!"

Often, the need for comfort is why women like to make guys wait before sex.

(If the guy's lucky, it might be only three dates, but with a lot of women, the guy can be made to wait for months.)

Fortunately, there's a way to shortcircuit that barrier. I call it the "Boyfriending Technique."

If you watch couples who are in close relationships, you'll notice an interesting phenomenon. The man and woman are extremely comfortable touching each other, so much so that they'll even do seemingly gross things like brush sleep ("eye boogers") out of each other's eyes.

It's a behavior that's only done by people who are completely comfortable around each other. Certainly when you are in a relationship where you can brush sleep out of a woman's eye, you've long since passed the point where the two of you are comfortable having sex.

Catch my drift? You can use this as a psychological weapon to make the woman feel more comfortable around you.

In mid-conversation, tell her to hold still and close her eyes. Pretend there's sleep in her eye, and make her believe that you just brushed it off.

Later, after the two of you finish eating and leave the restaurant, again tell her to hold still. With your finger, brush off an imaginary piece of food from her lower lip.

The net result of the Boyfriending Technique is nuclear. First, it sub-communicates that the two of you are very comfortable around each other.

Second, it involves you touching her face, bringing your heads closer together and progressing towards a make out session.

Third, in the case of you touching her lower lip, you're in fact touching an erogenous zone. That's right... a woman's lower lip has a high concentration of nerve endings. Stimulating her lower lip makes her body release sex hormones.

Make the Boyfriending Technique a part of your dating arsenal, and you'll find more success than ever before. You may just be having sex within several hours instead of having to wait several months.

John Alexander is author of "How to Become an Alpha Male" ... a seduction success guide for men. Learn the 7 Step Seduction System that takes you from saying "hello" to a new woman... to sharing orgasms in bed with her... in just one evening!
Posted by gfs on Friday, 30 September 2005 (11:02:01) UTC (10950 reads)
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  The Five Killer Mistakes Men Make Dating Online!
Internet DatingAnonymous writes: By Mick Jones;
Author of 'How To Meet Women on the Internet.'

Here are the top five mistakes men make when they start to date online…and how to avoid them!

Having a Boring, Average Profile!

You have to put some real effort into your profile to make it shine above the masses.

Creating a unique, well-thought-out profile will instantly give you an advantage over 90% of the other men.

Tip one.

Create an interesting / different profile with some humor.
Be sure to have nothing negative in your profile…

Tip two.

Have a good, recently taken photo!
Try a head and shoulders shot and smiling to begin with.

Placing Too High a Value on a Potential Date!

This is another instinctive mistake when first starting out.

Your mind plays tricks on you and you put the lady on a pedestal before even meeting her!

Especially if you haven’t had a date for a while…

Tip one.

Treat every potential date as an opportunity for YOU to check HER out and see if you fancy her!

Tip two.

NEVER expect to meet the love of your life on a first date.

This way you will never be disappointed and sometimes very pleased.

Not Meeting Her Quickly Enough!

I did this myself for far too long.

The longer you leave it before you meet, the less likely it is to happen.

So forget about emailing for months and getting all worked up over email.

As soon as possible, meet for coffee and a chat to see if you like each other.

This will save you a lot of time and energy…and disappointments.

Tip one. Ask for a coffee date in the first two weeks of emails.

Tip two. If she doesn’t agree to meet, move on and don’t worry about it.

There are plenty more… :-]

Emailing Interstate and Overseas Profiles!

I did this a lot when I first started dating online.

It’s tempting to do but is a complete waste of your time, energy and focus.

Unless you are rich and have a lot of spare time, don’t bother with interstate and overseas profiles.

What are the odds of you two ever hooking up?

Very little chance of it…

Why would someone interstate or overseas be better than someone local?

Tip one.

Only focus on and contact women in your immediate area.

Tip two.

Keep it down to 100 km radius from your home. This will keep your expenses and time travels down…

Not Choosing the Meeting Café.

This is more important than it sounds. Women like to be led by a decisive man. So decide/suggest the café, time and date.

If she can’t make it when you suggest, reschedule to suit her…within reason.

She will get the impression you are not timid and are comfortable making decisions…this is good.

Tip one. Make the first date during a week night. This will suggest you have a life and are busy on the weekend.

Tip two. Be relaxed at the coffee date. Don’t mention past partners or that you haven’t been dating for a long time. Just have some fun and BE happy…

Avoiding these five mistakes will save you a lot of time, money, energy and focus with online dating. This will prevent you from quitting before you get the results you desire and deserve.

Have fun and many happy seductions…


Mick Jones
Mail to;
Mick Jones has cut his teeth at the front lines of the internet dating fields. After many wounds and battle scars Mick now has consistent success. Mick is convinced any man can too.
Posted by gfs on Sunday, 25 September 2005 (09:28:46) UTC (3117 reads)
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  To M from Bill
Real Love LettersM., my beloved,

According to my Windows taskbar, the clock reads 1:39. (EDIT: 1:47) It is approximately two hours and fifty-one minutes (EDIT: three hours and forty-three minutes) until our rendezvous, and my heart longs for you. I have also emailed a bitmap file that I composed in Microsoft Paint of my heart standing on a windswept plain. It is quite poetic.

My despair loops back upon itself, with only your approval as the conditional branch freeing me from infinite iterations. Do you love me? It is a binary question, with only two responses. Your response, "I'm thinking," is not a data that fits within my constraints. Please reformulate your reply; I can not accept it.

I would like to describe exactly what I would like to do to you tonight. After dinner at La Marascole in Seattle (I have taken the liberty of ordering you the prawns marascole; I know you said you were allergic to shellfish, but a prawn is a crustacean, and thus you should have no difficulty.) In addition, you will be having a Caesar salad with vinaigrette dressing. I dislike Caesar dressing. Finally, you and I will enjoy a chocolate milkshake for dessert from Wendy's.

You remember when I commissioned the Wachowski Brothers to rework the ending of Matrix Revolutions to indicate that the movie takes place inside of a Windows environment, and that Neo is actually part of Windows Update? They're done! This is going to be so cool! I've got the theatre all set up.

After that, baby, I'm going to get smooth with you. Then I'm going to sex you up something. Do you like the dirty talk? Steve B. says it really gets him all sweaty too. Then I'm going to...

Love, Bill
Posted by gfs on Monday, 04 April 2005 (12:07:30) UTC (3375 reads)
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  Moving in on a girl at work who is involved
Work RomanceAnonymous writes: I've been at this new job about two months. There is this little cutie at work. She's really smart, not well liked by most girls there, cute looking. She and I see each other every day when we're in the office. She never smiles at me. if she'd smile, her face might crack. I decided upon putting a Valentine's Card in her mailbox. I wrote her name and told her : You're Teddy Bear cute from your head to your feet and Your smile brightens everyone's day. I did not sign it. She has enlisted the help of 3 other girls in finding this handwriting of whoever guy wrote it. I know she has a boyfriend. But this guy is working over in England and is English and won't leave being over there to come here for good.

I'm planning that during one of our Company parties in April I'm going to make my move. I'm going to ask her to dance. Slow dance. When we're slow dancing I plan on saying both lines from the card. I know that I'm the underdog but I relish being the underdog. It takes guts to make a move. I'm poised, confident & a bit head strong. We see each other at work all the time but don't really talk. I plan on driving her home after this party so she doesn't have to walk or catch a cab or subway. I also plan on opening doors for her and walking her to her apartment building door. She will see what kind of gentleman I am.

We might have to work together on a project or 2 during the year. If that happens, I will recluse myself because of a conflict of interest. I can respect her work ethic which is impeccable but I do not want to give the Partners any reason to question our motives. Work comes first and then we can try at being two adults who can coincide together professionally and romantically.

Is this something that might work if all the planets and stars are in alignment?

I have to say that for my taste, there is way too much planning going on. Take it one day at a time and naturally. I'm not even sure you know this girl well enough to even say you like her.

Posted by gfs on Friday, 01 April 2005 (11:37:03) UTC (4735 reads)
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  mind over matter, matter undermined (roommate cont...)
Just for GirlsAnonymous writes: dear gfs,

i think minds can be changed--even doing a 180--now given he had had it with his gf over spending xmas with her...and somehow got talked into it when it was against his will (amongst other things), i am assuming his mind can be changed. after all, she is a psychologist for hardened criminals in a mental institute, and he is very innocent and somewhat naiive to the ways people are (i knew this back then, but did not take advantage of him as i respected him, and did not want him to feel uncomfortable being he was my tenant).

so i seek your great & wise advice gfs! what can one do for someone they care deeply about when they are so far away? what can i say to him over the phone? what buttons can i push? do i need to make myself present physically to be there, and if so, how can i get him without his gf around? Smile ...i think the matter can be!

Geez, you're a clever and witty girl! You don't have to by physically present to have an intense relationship... but I think you'd have no trouble finding someone else.
Posted by gfs on Friday, 01 April 2005 (11:34:38) UTC (3594 reads)
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  my roommate confessed his love for me...
RoommatesAnonymous writes: after i confronted him about it and it makes me incredibly uncomfortable. it makes me want to move out but i can't afford to. i feel bad for wanting him to leave, but, i don't want to live with him. i don't even want to be friends with him. i just want to be roommates that are civilized with each other. i told him this but i still feel uncomfortable. he asked me to keep him in the back of my head and i said i won't. i just want to avoid him. should i tell my boyfriend? how do i deal with all this?

Crap, men can be such idiots. I don't think you have to tell your boyfriend because he might not handle it well and in the meantime, you still have to live with this guy. Right now you should start looking for alternative living arrangements. This probably won't sort itself out on its own.
Posted by gfs on Friday, 01 April 2005 (11:29:48) UTC (6138 reads)
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  Girl at Work
Work RomanceAnonymous writes: I am interested in this girl at work, she says I am very sweet, however when I asked her if she wanted to go out because she was feeling a little down one day, she said she was seeing someone.

After asking her for a date I am still trying to change her mind, got her a nice plant for her birthday which she liked and said it made her day.

She's really a good person, but how can I get her to go out with me. Never hear her talk about her BF, but doubt he is that great a guy from what little I gather from others.

Of course this is my life story, always a sweet guy!

You've got to show her a different side of you. Try taking her to lunch and talk about things besides work so she can know more about you. You have to be more than just a "sweet guy" in her eyes.
Posted by gfs on Friday, 01 April 2005 (11:26:31) UTC (5684 reads)
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  Reply to My Question
ConfusionAnonymous writes: in Regards to GFS

hey, about those suggestions.............Well IM 15 so u know, turning 16 in 2 monthss, she is the same age as me and well How bout those suggestinos Very Happy

Crikey, I can't remember what this was in reference to.
Posted by gfs on Friday, 01 April 2005 (11:13:51) UTC (16966 reads)
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ConfusionAnonymous writes: Hey peepz! im Naz, 17 in college, frm da UK! i dunno if u get many of us britts on this website but im in serious need of a yanks help!! Laughing ill get to the point: i usually dont have any problem in talking 2/charming girls but the thing is i got every1 thinkin im a playa wen i aint even an ameture!! iv only had 3 gfs and only 1s bin full on, i usually keep things hush hush. the thing is i really dont like making the 1st move bcoz of fear of rejection and girls round here usually prefer guys 2 lead!! which means i hav all the sluts and MINGERS (ugly girls) running after me and the gud lukin girls keepin themselves 2themselves. id like to kno how 2 attract the right type of girl without stepping in2 the region of rejection. thank you.

Actually, we get a ton of brits on this site! The thing with women is they pick up on subtle things and they send subtle signals that we completely miss. So: don't worry about rejection because you be subtle enough that it's not a big deal. Instead of asking to buy her a drink or whatever, just give her a look. Step 2 is to PAY ATTENTION to the girls around you. Make some eye contact and look for signs of interest.
Posted by gfs on Friday, 01 April 2005 (11:12:39) UTC (33549 reads)
(Read More... | 106 comments | Score: 3.66)

  I know im a stupid bitch, but its not gonna stop me from getting what i want.
Just for GirlsAnonymous writes: I already know my decision making skills are flawed and are usually based on my "throbbing biological urges", rather than logic. Nevertheless my awarness of my stipidity isn't going to stop me form getting what i want.

I have a boyfreind. Been with him for about 3 years. We have lived together for 2 years. He is the greatest guy iv ever known , always faithful, loving and wants to marry me. The problem is: even though i know i have this great guy, because im so young (19) i feel like, although i want to eventually spend the rest of my life with this guy i still want to play the feild a little.

Here comes the temptation. My boyfreind is now gone,away for a new work opp. and has moved to a different state. Were still together but i wont see him now for 4 to 6 months! And im left feeling horney, sad, confused and with a good looking male flatmate.

This was also though, a year in the making. When my flatmate first moved in he had a girlfreind. i was not on good terms with my boyfreind at the time and this guy (flatmate) really impressed me. So i had to get rid of the girlfreind. Do some boyfreind stealing. I never really expected to succeed but with little effort I convinced him to break up with her! But then my boyfreind and I became closer than eve,r and up untill he left had been, more or less, a great couple.

In the month leading up to his departure I became strongly attracted to my flatmate, and now my boyfreinds gone i feel i wanna explore this interest further.

My flatemate, since my boyfreind has left, has now become the sweetest most lovable best freind a girl could have. He buys me chocolates and nice things and stays up to all hours talking to me and watching movies. Hes become protective of me with my other male freinds and whenever hes away he call's to check up on me. We have now, on occasion even slept in the same bed at night. We dont do anything but have become really close. He has even said that im a much better freind than my boyfreind is to him and values my company a great deal more.

I do want him, but for nothing more than a fling, I dont think. I dont want to hurt anybody. And if i do try anything i dont know if it will be worth it. I mean is my flatmate even interested or just being sympathetic? How can i go about this situation the smart way?

Chances are your boyfriend is not going to understand but if you think he will, you could tell him how you feel. Otherwise, it's best to keep it a secret. I wouldn't worry about your flatmate kissing-and-telling; men don't usually do that kind of stuff (except in the movie Closer.)

OK, I think you can just make a move on your flatmate. I recommend grabbing his ass or crotch. Men aren't good with subtleties, it goes right over our heads. Afterwards, if he gets too attached, remind him you have a boyfriend. Then I suppose he'll show up at this site and we'll get another customer!
Posted by gfs on Friday, 01 April 2005 (11:07:07) UTC (5382 reads)
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  i love you?
Dating AdviceAnonymous writes: I like a girl at my school. She used to like me but then she didn't because i swear sometimes. I stopped swearing and i like her now.

Oh, isn't she a delicate flower. I think you'll have to charm her with sweetness.
Posted by gfs on Friday, 01 April 2005 (10:59:33) UTC (4872 reads)
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  please i wanna help
ConfusionAnonymous writes: hi how r u ?
can u help me i wanna know how to get a girlfriend n chatting?(i need the steps)


and this me e-mail


Sending about 5 more messages like this should help...
Posted by gfs on Friday, 01 April 2005 (10:57:53) UTC (30266 reads)
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ConfusionAnonymous writes: who is on the line Razz

No. Who is on first.
Posted by gfs on Friday, 01 April 2005 (10:56:28) UTC (2949 reads)
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ConfusionAnonymous writes: You all desperate losers if you want a girl so bad just go ***** YOUR MOM faggits, you all should just jack off and dream of the girl you CAN'T never get. You all ***** bunch losers and fags. Only fags don't have money and jobs or even a nice car want to steal someones girlfriend, if you got everything girls will come to you STUPID LOSERS!!!

Hehe... the fags i know all want to steal boys.
Posted by gfs on Friday, 01 April 2005 (10:55:42) UTC (4967 reads)
(Read More... | Score: 2.33)

  I hate "Hippo"
Dating AdviceAnonymous writes: There is a girl that I really like and her name is "Jenny." The problem is that she is relly naive. This guy nicknamed "Hippo" was going out with this girl but then he found out that she might go out with someone else. He got mad and told her that he likes her and he was going to break up with his girlfriend so he can ask her out. The problem is that she actually believed him. How can I make her see that he is a big jerk and that she should be with me? I mean this guy is cocky and thinks he is the best. He makes out with 5 girls and then tells jenny that he likes her.

Girls of a certain age are both naive and dumb. They like this kind of cocky jerk and like the fact that he makes out with 5 girls. Anyhow, they just want to be loved. So you have to do 2 things: you have to seem like you're a catch and two, you have to let her know you like her. Don't tell her right out... girls pick up on subtle things.
Posted by gfs on Friday, 01 April 2005 (10:54:09) UTC (4391 reads)
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DisgustAnonymous writes: what a shit site , made by wannabe playas for wannabe playas.
sad as ***** .your pc geeks , you couldnt pull your own pissers ya sad *****
Posted by gfs on Friday, 01 April 2005 (10:49:57) UTC (4932 reads)
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  Girlfriend Stealer Music
PraiseAnonymous writes: The Big Wu has a song called "Stole My Girlfriend" the first line is "Stole My Girlfriend, from another." I think you guys would dig it.

Thanks, we'll check it out!
Posted by gfs on Monday, 14 February 2005 (14:49:52) UTC (4242 reads)
(comments? | Score: 0)

  Damn, I cant stand it...all about......her....
Stealing CentralAnonymous writes: it goes:
I know this girl in my class, we went on a field trip to some dumb thing, 4 hour bus ride there and back. It kinda sucked, but she sat next to me the whole there and back. We talked alot, I mean alot. We swapped sex stories and we are both outdoors type of people, but anyway, I pick on her in class, but she takes, and when my friend picks on her, she normally slaps him. On the bus she said something, and then she said "Whys that?" I said I only pick on girls I like, then she said, "Why do you think I am not mean to you?" I asked her, "You like me?" She said YES!! I was like, holy, I got this in the bag, ask her out on a date, and I might get her, but then she told me that she has a boyfriend, who is 4 years older than me, and they live together! I just found this out, that she has a boyfriend, but the living together part, I was like WHAT!! Supposedly, he got kicked out of his house, so he moved in with her.... So now we cant go on a date, cuz she dosent want to get into a hole, but I want to break her grip, dump that guy, and go out with me....anyway possible I can do this? Could you get back to me at (this website), that would be great! Thanks guys! Laughing

GFS: Sorry for laughing but you are screwed. I really pity you man. And her. How the hell is she gonna break up with her boyfriend? She's gonna have to kick him out of the house. Well, you can stick by her... maybe she'll cheat on him a little and you can convince her to do the dirty deed. No, not SEX!! Kick him out of the house. Still, she must be a sweet girl so it might be worth trying to help her out.
Posted by gfs on Tuesday, 26 October 2004 (19:09:09) UTC (8125 reads)
(Read More... | 8 comments | Score: 3.66)

  He's gone, what can i do?
ConfusionAnonymous writes: Ok it's a confusin story, but i'll begin...

Theres a girl who is so fine, and everyone knows it. Last year she got a boyfreind form the year above me. I didnt really talk to her much last year, but now her boyfreind has left school and gone abroad they are still very much an item but we have started talking etc and getting on really well. She has come to watch me play tennis on a few occassions after I asked her to come. She also came over to me straight away in this bar and gave me her number to call her and do sommit over the holidays. Also she has phoned me a couple of times lately and we have chatted for hours. BUT she got a tciekt to go and visit her boyfriend in italy for a week, he stays there until christmas then he goes away for another long period travelling, then off to uni which is a long way away. (so he's not really on the scene much) I just cant work out if she likes me, I adore her and she seems like she likes me (givin me her number, coming to watch me play, phoning and chatting for hours etc. But then she has a boyfriend, i need a plan of action please can you help im soooo confuzed, this has all gone pretty quick aswell, like over a 3 week period.

GFS: Yes she likes you. She's also probably a bit lonely. The problem is that with the boyfriend so far away it may be difficult to steal her because she will want to wait or break up with him in person. Keep working it. Turn up the flirting a little. Turn up the sexual tension. Drive her crazy. Then when the moment is right and she's begging for it, give her a little kiss.
Posted by gfs on Tuesday, 26 October 2004 (19:01:59) UTC (4916 reads)
(Read More... | 10 comments | Score: 5)

  way to easy
Success StoriesAnonymous writes: So I met this girl a year ago. I never had the courage to ask her out til I found her online one night. She told me she had a boyfriend but I was hell-bent on this girl so i told her to bring him to our party.

Saturday came and she didnt come but spent 2 hours telling me how horrible he was. I felt it was time to act and steal this girl from him. After telling her she was beautiful which he didnt I dropped subtle hints about liking her. The boyfriend was a s*****-bag who was always telling her bad stuff about her. All I had to do was be nice and show some compassion and biggity boom she was mine. GFS in less than a week this girl was mine.

We are going to the bar where the ex works with me wearing a shirt that says "Yeah, I stole your Girlfriend" so I can stand next to him and get my picture taken. I will forward this when it happens.

GFS: Thanks for the letter! Well done... Can't wait to see the photo!
Posted by gfs on Tuesday, 26 October 2004 (18:58:12) UTC (5066 reads)
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  i need help stealing a girl
Stealing CentralAnonymous writes: hey i need some help on what to do. ive never really tried to steal a girl before. anyway theres this girl that i like and im pretty sure that she likes me too but the only problom is that she has a boyfriend rite now and i want to try to steal her but i dont know how?

GFS: This is the kind of general stealing that we cover all over the place on the site. Please read and enjoy!
Posted by gfs on Tuesday, 26 October 2004 (18:56:14) UTC (6873 reads)
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  THis Girl i like
Dating AdviceAnonymous writes: Ok,there is this daughter of my dad's friend. I see her maybe every weekend and I never realy liked girls until I met her, Ive done alot of things with her like gone bowling and to a theme park. And i dont feel she likes me, im kinda shy but not really and she says hi to me all the time. I just dont feel she likes me and i think she likes this other guy. So how do you think i could get her to like me and focus on me not some other guy.

GFS: Ah, Dad's friend again... wheeee.... Well, to get her attention you have to act mature. Well known fact that girls mature faster than guys (even though it's not completely obvious looking at some of the ditzy teenyboppers) Don't show off though... girls see through that and you'll look dumb. Impress her in a romantic way by doing little things for her. Give her a compliment and make her feel special. Don't tell her you love her. I wish I knew how old you were so I could give more suggestions...
Posted by gfs on Tuesday, 26 October 2004 (18:55:15) UTC (12635 reads)
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  Shes dating a total ass hole


GFS: Your dad introduced you to a hot 15 year old girl? WTF? Maybe I should give your dad my phone number and he can set me up.

Nice girl that she didn't tell you about her boyfriend until after the third date. I think you should just come out and tell her straight up to break up with her boyfriend and go out with you. Normally that's not something I recommend but there is something weird going on here.

You might also want to ask your dad to do a little more research before he sets you up with taken women!
Posted by gfs on Tuesday, 26 October 2004 (18:50:37) UTC (5566 reads)
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   [x] Personal Power

Two powerful First Date secrets that almost spontaneously lead to sex!

(even if you screw everything else up)

- How to Become an Alpha Male -

   [x] Survey
How do you find a girlfriend most often?

Internet dating
Friends of friends
I pick up whatever cute girl I see
My friends' ex-girlfriends
My sister's friends
My parents find them for me
The girls choose me
I can't find any girlfriends


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Comments: 1


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